. | . | . | . | David McCracken |
Web Design Image Mapupdated:2016.07.13 |
RPM Version 5PCB Description
InformationThis sidebar needs to align with the PCB image so that its links and their related areas in the image show at the same time. For this the PCB image (and taskbar) are placed in a table with the linkbar. The rest of content can flow under the linkbar. |
![]() 9602330-rev P14
PCB IMAGE MAP (CLICK on items for details)![]() |
The Right Panel Module is our most poorly defined module. It provides the APU's scan chain access to all of the fluid controls located on the right panel of the instrument. This includes many special devices that have not been finalized, particularly shear valves, y-valves, and fluid sensors.
The interim RPM contains many technical errors. In fact, none of the special device interfaces function at all. The design was reviewed in System Design Report 7 topic Right Panel Module / Interim Design Errors [Cdxsys- InterimDesignErrors]. Based on this report, Maha redesigned the board, correcting both the original errors and errors in the review. System Design Report 14 topic Right Panel Module [Cdxsys-RightPanelModule] contains some of her findings and suggestions, particularly regarding the shear valve interface.
In hindsight, we spent too much time on the new shear valve interface. We aren't even sure that shear valves will be used and, if they are, the old circuit is adequate and needs only a few bits of the scan chain for control. However, the design work has already been done and the only penalties are a somewhat larger PLD and the drivers, which don't have to be stuffed. Maha nearly finished the complete redesign. Unless we find some problem that could be solved by eliminating the new shear valve interface, we may as well keep it. No matter what we do with the RPM at this point, it can't be optimal because we don't know what the final instrument configuration will be. Since any instrument needs the RPM, we should probably produce a limited number of the Maha's version, knowing that another redesign is likely.
MSM MOSI and MISO addresses shown here apply when connected to JLDRIO with JU17 pins 1-2 and JU12 pins 1-2 connected. For all, output is space 2, input space 3.
The strobe (output bit 8) is low normally. Writing a 1 to it triggers the 10 usec pulse to the sensors. It is a low-to-high edge triggered event. The bit can be be written back to a low at any time during or after the 10 usec. The next low-to-high transition of the bit will cause another 10 usec pulse. The fluid sensors are 1 when open, 0 when sensing fluid.
JYV0 and JYV1
JSTAT is the direct I/O interface to the Status Board. JSB is a scan chain interface to an obsolete version of the Status Board.
The strobed fluid sensors
The general purpose sensors
Power is supplied through JPWR. Fuses
Two types of shear valves are supported. The old provides its own drivers. The RPM board contains the drivers for the new version.
JPLDI and JPLD0 provide a means of connecting to the PLD pins for alternate uses. The configuration jumpers
The PLD is configured through JTAG. It is tested in a JTAG scan chain through JTEST. The clock speed selector JSCLK
Scan chain input registers, output registers, bypass jumpers
JLPM is the scan chain downlink to the LPM. JAPU is the scan chain uplink to the APU.
Solenoid drivers can control any device that
This page illustrates several useful constructs for presenting technical information, particularly where an image of a physical object can be displayed. Here the image is of a printed circuit board. Different users would be browsing this page from different perspectives. A repair technician might be trying to determine the purpose of an item that can be seen on the unit, for example an IC or a jack, in which case, the entry point is the physical image. An instrument developer might know the name of something but not the location of related objects on the physical board. In this case, the entry point would be the items listed in the side bar. This would also be the entry point for an engineer trying to learn how the unit operates but, in this case, the detailed text would be of more interest than the location of related items in the image.
This page has been developed to illustrate web page techniques. The contents of the example topics are taken from real documentation but are truncated. The full text consumes many pages. Similarly, not all items of interest in the PCB image are represented in the image map. Page coding topics of special interest are:
Image map is a standard HTML mechanism for creating hyperlinks over selected areas of an image. When the mouse is located over an image hotspot area, clicking causes the hyperlink to be taken. The basic mechanism is deficient in several ways. One is that all browsers indicate when the mouse is located over a hotspot only by showing a tooltip. This is a particularly poor feedback means because the user doesn't know where any hotspots are and must wait at each guessed position for the tooltip to appear. Even then the feedback is inadequate because there is no indication of the extent of the hotspot. The mouse can easily be located on the border of one hotspot while the user is actually trying to refer to an adjacent item.
Another problem is more of an unrealized opportunity. The image map provides a one-way link from the image to related topics. If the user wants to find out what something is this provides real value. If the user already knows what the items are in the image, this is nothing but a visual gimmick providing no utility beyond what could be presented by a list of names. If the user wants to find something knowing the name but not the physical representation in the image then this gimmick is an annoying waste of time. If the hot spot topics were also displayed by name in a separate list and rolling over those names caused the corresponding image hotspots to be highlighted, both the user only interested in the topics and the user wanting to find the location of items known only by name would be satisfied.
Image map cannot be improved without using JavaScript. To at least retain normal capability if scripting is disabled, a standard HTML image map provides the foundation for the JavaScript improvements. If scripting is disabled, this image map will function normally.
Each hotspot in an image is defined by an HTML area tag. Most style rules do not work with areas. Otherwise, every tag could be styled with no border but restyled with a visible border at rollover. It might even be possible to provide this in a CSS rollover to avoid scripting. But this wouldn't support highlighting hotspots when rolling over list items and is wishful thinking anyway since CSS cannot control an area's border.
Image map areas can be circles and polygons as well as rectangles. CSS and JavaScript can only create rectangles, which they do by controlling the border property of an element. To avoid depending on a plug-in (e.g. Java applet) which can draw anything, the hotspots are limited to rectangles.
Because an area element cannot provide its own border for highlighting, a
floating transparent element is used. This element can be positioned over the
area and its border displayed to give the appearence of the area's own border
(if it had one). The floating box element can be either a transparent image or
an anchor. In either case, the underlying map area is occluded so that the
hyperlink can only be activated via the overlying box element. If the box
element is an image, the link is activated by
The problem with this is that Firefox has a bug that causes all
animated GIFs (e.g. the anchor bg image aniblue4.gif) to freeze after this code
is executed. No other browser (not even Mozilla under Linux) has this problem.
If the box is an anchor, showAreaById
assigns href from the map
area to the anchor and this link works without problem under all browsers.
However, IE insists on showing the href in the status bar, overwriting the more
user friendly note that we try to show. Since this note is identical to the
title, which shows as a tooltip, it isn't essential, but the annoying tooltip
behavior (delay to show and then uncontrolled disappearance) is partially
compensated by this duplication. However, it doesn't work in all cases other
than IE. By default Firefox doesn't allow scripts to change the status.
Another minor anchor problem with anchor is that only an empty anchor tag draws the border exactly in all cases. This may not be legal but with a pair of open and close tags browsers extend the bottom border of the box for certain elements but not others.
The FF dead animation bug can be corrected by assigning
instead of location.href
when the target is a local anchor. Although this is a lot of complexity for one
little bug, it does tip the balance toward image instead of anchor.
and set
dom.disable_window_status_change false.
states must be declared background-color: transparent; color:
transparent; background-image: none;
is often ignored, leaving
the box visible (and the status text unchanged). Anchor is worse than image but
both are bad enough that it isn't even worth doing anything on this event.
Instead, any extant boxes are cleared before making a rollover box.
The improved image map means shown here does not function without JavaScript enabled, but the page degrades gracefully to normal area map behavior if it is not.
The transparent area overlay box element is created by the following code:
.AreaBox { // Image map area outline overlay. width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; border: solid 1px yellow; display: none; }
<img src="x.gif" alt="" class="AreaBox" id="areaBox0" title="" onMouseOver="window.status = title; return true;" onClick="jumpBox()" />
This AreaBox element is hidden and does not afford a means to reveal itself. It
appears only when the mouse rolls over either an image map area element or a
list item. Its own onMouseOver
displays the title of the
underlying area element. Once an AreaBox has been placed over the area, the
area won't see any mouse events so the AreaBox has to provide the hyperlink. It
might also hide itself at onMouseOut
but browsers frequently miss
this event. Consequently, all visible AreaBoxes are removed when one or more
others are displayed. Often this action leaves the last box(es) displayed even
when the cursor leaves the image and the associated links. This doesn't hurt and,
in some circumstances, improves the user interface. For example, when the
cursor rolls over an associated link, the related areas are outlined. If the
user clicks to go to the topic, the areas remain highlighted; the browser next
and back buttons toggle the view between the topic and the image with the
related areas still highlighted. For hyperlink, the AreaBox calls the script
function jumpBox at onClick
. The underlying area has an href but
the AreaBox itself is an img, which doesn't afford automatic hyperlinking.
A single instance of the AreaBox would suffice for the direct area
rollovers. However, the associative rollovers could benefit from being able to
highlight several items at once. Often multiple areas in the image are related
and have the same hyperlink href. A simple and useful functional relationship
would be to highlight all areas that have the same href as the list name that
the mouse rolls over. It would be tedious and error prone to create an
arbitrary number of AreaBox elements in the HTML code. Instead, a JavaScript,
executed when the page loads, creates additional boxes by cloning the areaBox0 defined by
HTML. The first element of array refBox is assigned a reference to the original
HTML box. Successive array elements are assigned references to the cloned
boxes. Subsequently, all referencing is through these elements and, therefore,
none of the boxes need to be named except the original, which the script finds
using getElementById
. However, all of the clones have to be named anyway
because otherwise they all have the same id, inherited from the original, which
is illegal. The script synthesizes their names as areaBox1, etc. For subsequent
run-time efficiency, this script also assigns references to the image and its div parent
and the HTML map element to global vars refMapImg, refMapDiv, and refMap.
refBox[0] = document.getElementById( "areaBox0" ); for( idx = 1 ; idx < boxCnt ; idx++ ) { refBox[idx] = document.getElementById("areaBox0").cloneNode( true ); refBox[idx].id = "areaBox" + idx; document.body.appendChild( refBox[idx] ); } refMapDiv = document.getElementById( "mapDivId" ); refMapImg = document.getElementById( "mapImgId" ); refMap = document.getElementById( "mapId" );
An image area's outline is drawn by assigning the position and size of an
AreaBox to match the area element's coordinates; and the areaBox's display
property is changed from none to inline. Since this operation is the same
whether triggered by direct or associative rollover, it is implemented by
one function, showAreaByRef
, which is called in either case. In
either case, the function does a little extra work to provide something that
only the other case needs. The direct rollover needs to copy the hyperlink href
from the underlying area to make it available in case of mouse click. This
serves no purpose for the associative rollover but doesn't hurt. For the
associative rollover, the function has to select the next free AreaBox and
advance the refBox index so that successive invocations highlight additional
areas. The direct rollover always uses exactly one AreaBox.
function showAreaByRef( aref ) { if( boxIdx >= boxCnt ) hideShowAreas(); // Correct for browser missing mouse outs. var posLeft = -refMapDiv.scrollLeft; var posTop = -refMapDiv.scrollTop; for( var ref = refMapImg ; ref != document.body ; ref = ref.offsetParent ) { posLeft += ref.offsetLeft; posTop += ref.offsetTop; } var coords = aref.coords.split( "," ); window.status = aref.title; /* Copy href from the underlying area to global jumpHref Unlike other * attributes that are copied from the AREA to the refBox object, this doesn't * exist when the refBox object is an IMG instead of an A. Fortunately, also * unlike the other elements, only one href is needed. When it is assigned by * AREA mouseOver, it defines the jump target. That it is reassigned at * additional refBox activations is irrelevant for two reasons. One is that * multiple refBoxs are active only due to mouseOver another element (normally * an A) in which case the AREA href wouldn't be used. The other reason is that * all active refBoxs would have the same href anyway (and it would be the same * as the other element) since that is the tie that binds them all in the first * place. */ jumpHref = aref.href; refBox[ boxIdx ].title = aref.title; refBox[boxIdx].style.display = "inline"; refBox[boxIdx].style.left = posLeft + parseInt( coords[0]) + "px"; refBox[boxIdx].style.top = posTop + parseInt( coords[1]) + "px"; refBox[boxIdx].style.height = parseInt( coords[3]) - parseInt( coords[1]) + "px"; refBox[boxIdx].style.width = parseInt( coords[2]) - parseInt( coords[0]) + "px"; boxIdx++; }
The one argument to showAreaByRef is a reference to the area element to be
highlighted. This is more convenient for the associative rollover than for the
direct case. To simplify area attribute coding, the function
takes the id passed by an area's onMouseOver
call and transforms it to a reference that it passes to
. Anchor elements outside the image trigger associative rollover
highlighting by passing a self-reference ("this") to showRelArea
This function searches the map element's list of areas, calling showAreaByRef
to highlight each area whose href matches that of the referrer.
Both ShowAreaById
and showRelArea
first clear the
previously displayed AreaBox (by calling hideShowAreas, which hides all of
them) because OnMouseOut
is not reliable. HideShowAreas
clears every AreaBox simply by setting its display property to none.
Simultaneously, it effectively frees the refBox elements by decrementing the
refBox index. When the index reach 0 there are no more active boxes.
function showAreaById( id ) { hideShowAreas(); showAreaByRef( document.getElementById( id )); } function showRelArea( aref ) { hideShowAreas(); for( var idx = 0 ; boxIdx < boxCnt && idx < refMap.areas.length ; idx++ ) { if( refMap.areas[ idx ].href == aref.href ) showAreaByRef( refMap.areas[ idx ]); } } function hideShowAreas() { while( boxIdx > 0 ) refBox[ --boxIdx ].style.display = "none"; }
<area shape="rect" coords="20,4,60,17" href="#yvalve" title="JYV0: Y-valve interface" alt="JYV0: Y-valve interface" id="hsJyv0" onMouseOver="showAreaById( 'hsJyv0' );" > <li><a href="#yvalve" onMouseOver="showRelArea( this )" >Y-Valves</a></li>
With certain page layouts, Internet Explorer 6 draws the boxes two pixels to the left No other browsers, including earlier versions of IE exhibit this error. IE is infamous for positioning errors in general. In this case the discrepancy is clearly a program error rather than a difference of interpretation because the boxes are placed exactly where the DOM says the underlying areas are located. Either the image is placed incorrectly relative to the DOM information or the DOM misunderstands the page frame of reference.
The browser takes care of hyperlinking in the case of associative rollover
because the anchor has a fully functional href. The equivalent action must be
synthesized by script for direct rollovers because the overlaid img doesn't
have this attribute. ShowAreaByRef
copies underlying area
attributes that the img tag also has, such as title, to the AreaBox img for use
while hovering over the area. It copies the area's href to global var jumpHref.
The areaBox's onClick
calls jumpBox to effect a hyperlink jump. No
arguments are needed because jumpHref identifies the jump target while the
identity of the source is irrelevant. JumpBox could simply assign the value of
jumpHref to the browser's location.href except for a bug in Firefox, as
explained in the code shown here.
function jumpBox() { /* For all browsers except Firefox, we would only have to assign location.href * to successfully make the jump. Firefox stops playing animated GIFs (like my * anchor hover) when this means is used to jump to a local anchor. All of the * code here serves only one purpose-- to work around the FF bug. If the base of * the target URL is the same as the current page then location.hash is assigned * instead of the full href. The FF bug does not occur in this case. */ var boxAhref = jumpHref.split( "#" ); if( boxAhref.length == 1 ) location.href = jumpHref; // Target URL doesn't include an anchor point. else { var locAhref = location.href.split( "#" ); if( boxAhref[0] == locAhref[0]) location.hash = boxAhref[1]; else location.href = jumpHref; } }
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 ><tr> <td valign="top" width="100%" > <div class="LinkBar"> ... </div> <!-- End LinkBar --> </td> <td valign="top"> <!-- taskbar and PCB image --> <ul class="TaskBar"> <!-- Begin Taskbar --> ... </ul> <!-- End Taskbar --> <div class="Content"> <!-- Begin Content --> <div class="UnitId">9602330-rev P14</div> <h2><span class="Hout">PCB IMAGE MAP <div id="mapDivId" > <img src="rpm5map.jpg" </div> <!-- mapDivId --> </div> <!-- Content --> </td></tr></table> <div class="Content"> <h2 id="purpose"><span class="Hout">PURPOSE
For the indirect links to serve their purpose, the image and the sidebar must be
aligned at least enough so that the corresponding image areas are visible when
hovering over a sidebar link. To make this alinment, the contents of the sidebar
can be arranged and/or padding added or removed from the image container. In any
case, the sidebar and image container must be side-by-side, which requires that
they be table cells or floated. The best result is achieved by
sidebar and overflow:auto
image container.
gives the image its own horizontal scroll bar if needed
without impacting the rest of the page. Unfortunately, only Mozilla/FF does
this correctly. Therefore, this page uses a table. The side/link bar occupies
one cell, while the top/task bar and image occupy the next cell in the single
row of the table. The rest of the page can do anything. This page is fairly
fluid, flowing paragraphs and code boxes around each other.
In the HTML code note that the TaskBar div inside of the td cannot be reduced to just a td with class TaskBar because the div props open the cell to prevent the browser from shrinking it when the window isn't wide enough for the image. This behavior is better than having the link list reformat just to give the image a few more pixels.
A technical website has special style and formatting requirements that differ from what would be appropriate for a broader audience. This page and the external style sheet, tech.css, illustrate some of these requirements.
The image map, which is discussed at length above, plays a much more important
role in a technical site than in a more general one, where it serves mainly to
relieve the monotony of selecting topics from a list. Some users will be coming
to the technical site with only the physical item for reference, for example a
technician with a PCB in hand. The JavaScript image map augmentation is an
obvious improvement. Less obvious is the use of the overflow: auto
property. For browsers that support this, the image is scrolled independently
of the text. Large images can often be divided into smaller ones either by
sectioning or by hierarchical decomposition (i.e. coarse resolution of a more
encompassing image linking to less encompassing images with finer resolution).
However, certain types of technical images do not respond well to either of
these techniques. The printed circuit board image on this page is a good
example. Users need to see both the detail and the overall arrangement
simultaneously. Small boards may display acceptably in relatively large browser
windows but larger boards will have to be scrolled. The best user experience
results from no scrolling but, if scrolling is needed, small differences in the
image size are of little consequence. Keeping the page arrangement is more
important than maximizing the image window, as demonstrated by comparing this
page as rendered by Internet Explorer, which doesn't support auto overflow, and
as rendered by Firefox, which does. Under Firefox, when the browser window
width shrinks to impinge on the PCB image, the image acquires a scrollbar but
remains in place and most of the associative rollovers are visible. Under IE,
the PCB image jumps down to below the linkbar where the space available for the
image is somewhat larger but the user can't simultaneously see the highlighted
areas and the associated anchors.
Unfortunately, testing on various browsers has demonstrated that only Mozilla/FF correctly handle the overflow:auto in this example. Most other browsers make a mess of the page. Those that at least properly move the image down to under the linkbar still are making the advanced image map capability useless. To make this page work in most browsers the overflow:auto has been removed.
<div id="mapDivId" style="overflow:auto;"> <!-- If the browser does this (IE doesn't) instead of moving other things to fit the image, a scroll bar is attached to the image. --> <img src="rpm5map.jpg" id="mapImgId" alt="RPM5 PCB" width=562 height=290 border=0 usemap="#map" /> </div>
All websites benefit from reducing image file size but certain technical images, such as PCBs, afford opportunities that may not exist in a more general site. The complexity of details in a PCB image dictate that JPG be used. Reducing the quality of a JPG image reduces file size but significant reduction leads to visible artifacts. These only appear in large flat spaces unless the quality is extremely reduced. In a general-purpose image such degradation is very evident and annoying. In a PCB image the opposite is true. Large flat spaces are of no interest whatsoever. Consequently, extreme optimization is feasible. Even where the size of the image is not reduced the size of a JPG PCB image file can be reduced to 5% of the original without degrading its effective presentation.
A website presenting technical information often is considerably more repetitive than a more general site, where such repetition would likely bore most visitors. Consistency of presentation of technical material is especially important because the visitor is already unsure about how much importance to attach to content details. The technical style sheet, tech.css, defines some specific technical styles so that the web pages don't have to resort to HTML formatting or local styles.
class style declaration is for rendering a div or h
specifically as the ID of a unit such as the circuit assembly in this page.Hnote
class style is for parenthetical notes typically in headers
used as labels, for example the "(click on items for details)" note in the PCB
IMAGE MAP heading on this page.Hitext
class style describes the rendering of
highlighted text
within a normal paragraph especially to point out minor appearing but
functionally important differences such as a single-word difference between two
otherwise identical blocks of code.code
tag to
consistently render code fragments embedded in prose.CodeBox
, LeftCodeBox
, and
class styles define the appearance and placement of
boxes (normally div but table also works) used to display code. Rules for using these
classes have been defined. The code in the box is enclosed in
pre tags. Therefore it does not flow and the box width is known. If a box
is wider than half the width of the typical window (i.e. approximately 400 px)
then the CodeBox style is used and text does not flow around it. If it is narrower
than this then either LeftCodeBox or RightCodeBox may be used, allowing text to
flow to the right or left. Such text must be related to the code in the box. This
page contains instances of all three classes..UnitId { /* Unit ID class for div or h used normally in upper, right corner of page. */ margin: 0 10px; padding: 0; text-align: right; font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; font-family: arial,sans-serif; } .Hnote { /* span class for parenthetical note in heading */ color: gray; font-weight: lighter; font-size: smaller; text-transform: lowercase; } .Hitext { background-color: rgb( 194, 239, 255 ); } /* Light blue highlight. */ code { font: 120% "Courier New", Courier, monospace; color: blue; } .CodeBox { border: solid 2px blue; padding: 0 3px; margin: 10px 0; } .LeftCodeBox { border: solid 2px blue; padding: 0 3px; margin: 0 10px 10px 0; float: left; } .RightCodeBox { border: solid 2px blue; padding: 0 3px; margin: 0 0 10px 10px; float: right; } .CodeBox * { margin: 0 2px 2px 2px; } .LeftCodeBox * { margin: 0 2px 2px 2px; } .RightCodeBox * { margin: 0 2px 2px 2px; }
<div class="UnitId">9602330-rev P14</div> <h2>PCB IMAGE MAP <span class="Hnote">(CLICK on items for details)</span></h2> <li>The <code>Hitext</code> class style describes the rendering of highlighted <div class="LeftCodeBox"> <h3>CSS</h3> <pre style="margin-top: 0"> ... </pre> <h3>HTML</h3> <pre style="margin-top: 0"> ... </pre></div>